No matter the field – football, baseball or of flowers – let’s do this.

Your kid is thisclose to completing a big chapter of their lives. They’re on the cusp of adulthood, where college, apprenticeships or the workforce awaits. So why not celebrate?!

Sure, whatever number iPhone they’re on now has the best! camera! ever! and senior portraits could be over in 30 seconds by standing next to a tree in the nearby park with Portrait Mode. But we’re about playing to your senior’s personality and passions, tailoring sessions to their interests and making them feel like the most important person, even if it’s just for that hour.

And we get it – senior year is EX-PEN-SIVE. (Bryce and I’s 10-year reunions have come and gone, but I remember paying for every class T-shirt, Homecoming dress and my graduation gown out of my meager grocery cashier wages.) It’s why I started with the pricing I did a decade ago and I still pride myself on being the best bargain.

– Kimberly